Sophy is a chartered surveyor and has two children. One is in year 3 and one in year 5. Sophy says her children’s school has been great.
Sophy, her son and daughter sit at a table between the lounge and kitchen whilst the children do schoolwork.
Sophy sits in a chair in a white room to write reports after going out to work.
“I feel like I’m rushed around doing all the things, getting them to the places that they need to be, but at the end of the term or the end of the half term we get there, we have a break, that’s it.
Whereas this is just stretching on and on, and although my work and the hours that I need to do, they’re the same, I haven’t got that time. They’re not being entertained by someone else so I can work. They’re not being taught by someone else while I can work. So, they’ve got that, they’re currently upstairs, maybe reading, maybe imagining stuff with each other, and I’m thinking, they need to be doing something, they’re not, they need some attention.
They’re okay, and sometimes it’s important for them to be doing nothing, because we need that time to relax as well, but they are getting bored and they need some stimulation, and I have to work out a way of stimulating them and fit it into all the stuff that needs doing as well. And then there’s no off button at the end of term, because they’re still bored, they still need everything and they still haven’t got all the activities that they’re supposed to be having.”