Kathryn is a clinical psychologist who works with families brought together by adoption. She has two daughters, one in year 11 and one in year 8.
Kathryn perches on an armchair whilst checking in with her daughter working at the desk.
Kathryn works at a desk in her ‘office’ which is a room in the loft of the house.
“I’ve surprised myself. I thought I’d have cracked by now if I’m completely honest. I’m not a person who does well in a closed room for ten hours a day. I’ve been on the edge a few times, again being very transparent, I really need the energy of my colleagues and my clients, and I love my family and it’s really nice spending the time with them, but it isn’t the same.
You know, my children do get a bit bored if I try and have political conversations with them all the time. And, you miss the kind of informal work-based conversations as well. There’s a lot of learning that I feel like I’m missing out on because I’m not having those kind of enriching conversations with colleagues.
Well I think all the things I need aren’t possible right now. I need my freedom back. That is, I think, the only way I’ll get back to being the best version of me. The thing I need isn’t accessible to me. I don’t need anything else right now. I mean I’m doing okay. Like I said my husband is, is brilliant. He works really hard and we have quite a balanced relationship in the chores department let’s say, and the children department. So I don’t need anything given to me, a tangible thing. I don’t even really need more time. Just if I could go places, that would be enough.”